Nick Dry
Hearthstone - A digital card game
Hey, my name is Nick Dry and i enjoy playing a wide verity of video games. During this post i will be explaining the digital card game hearthstone and how I got good at the game.What is Hearthstone?
Hearthstone is a digital card game devolved by Blizzard Entertainment, a video game developing company based in Irving, CA. This game uses lore from the World of Warcraft series, the most popular MMO to date, to create a fun and interactive game for World of Warcraft and card game players alike. In this game the players collects cards and play against other real players in order to achieve a high rank in competitive play. Due to a significant amount of cards and players, it is very difficult to reach the top ranks in hearthstone.
How i Achieved Success
I have been playing Hearthstone for a little over a year and a half and only last month have i reached the top ranks of legend. Legend rank is achieved once a players climbs through all of the previous 25 ranks by beating other opponents consistently. The way I got better at the game was watching other players, usually professional players, on or While I was watching these players I would think in my head what play I would make if I was in their position and then evaluate what I did wrong based off of what the professional player did. I also frequented the competitive hearthstone sub-Reddit that can be found at - On this sub-Reddit I found weekly discussions and new decks that were currently controlling the meta-game.My top rank in hearthstone
Here is my top rank I have achieved in hearthstone using the methods explained thus far. My rank of 234th in all of Europe can be seen in the top right corner of the screenshot.
Streamers that I recommend:
Trump - Trump is a player that i would recommend for new players as he does not always make the highest level play and is not as technical of a player. He also has multiple deck lists for players that are new to the game and have not put any money into the game yet.
YT: Twitch:
Kolento - Kolento is a professional player that explains his every play. I would recommend Kolento for players who already have some experience with the game as this player makes very high level plays.
YT: Twitch: